COLAS CZ won the first prize

COLAS CZ won the first prize in the Landscape Creation and Protection category of the "Living Landscape" competition organized by the Czech and Moravian Chamber for Land Improvement and the State Land Office of the Czech Republic for the project "Restoration of the Černý potok (Black Creek) in the cadastral area of Klenčí pod Čerchovem". In the 16th year of the competition, the State Land Office presented a special prize, which went to COLAS CZ as well!

In the past, the Černý potok was artificially straightened and its banks were stabilized. In September 2021, COLAS CZ started shaping a new channel for the creek, which respects its natural meandering and gives it a more gentle current. As part of the restoration process, some vegetation was removed and 100 new trees were planted.

We are happy to see that the restoration has been appreciated not only by the locals and the tourists, but also by the experts. To receive two awards in one day is a great pleasure. But the biggest award for us is the increased biodiversity, which is now flourishing in the restored Černý potok in Klenčí.


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