
You may read the latest news from the Colas Group world below.

Fiscal Year 2024 of the Colas Group

The Colas annual results are now available.


COLAS CZ se stal partnerem projektu YOUNG ROADS

Společnost COLAS CZ se s hrdostí připojila k projektu YOUNG ROADS, který vznikl pod záštitou České silniční společnosti.


D3 stepped south. We took part in one of the sections of the new highway

New sections of the D3 highway, including the Úsilná Hodějovice section, in which we participated, are already serving drivers


We have completed another section on the Podbeskydská magistrála D48

The section of the D48 motorway Bělotín - Rybí is open.


Quiet tramline for Ostrava city

16.8.2023 Reduced noise and vibration levels, more comfortable and safer ride, and improved passenger comfort. All this was brought about by the modernization of the tramway track in Nádražní Street in Ostrava, a project recently completed by Colas CZ.


Construction Start Ceremony of D7 Kutrovice - Panenský Týnec

In the presence of the Minister of Transport Martin Kupka and the Director General of ŘSD Radek Mátl, we have ceremonially started the construction of the road I/35 Lešná - Palačov.


Kyjice - Chomutov railway

We will start soon with construction works on the eight-kilometer section Kyjice - Chomutov railway line uder the Krušné hory Mountains


Financial Year 2023

COLAS Group has published its financial annual report called Financial Year 2023


COLAS CZ won the first prize

Polní cesty v Českém ráji získaly 1. místo


COLAS CZ won the first prize

COLAS CZ won the first prize in the Landscape Creation and Protection category of the "Living Landscape" competition organized by the Czech and Moravian Chamber for Land Improvement and the State Land Office of the Czech Republic for the project "Restoration of the Černý potok (Black Creek) in the cadastral area of Klenčí pod Čerchovem". In the 16th year of the competition, the State Land Office presented a special prize, which went to COLAS CZ as well!


BIM - Technical Thursday

At COLAS CZ, we are increasingly focusing on the use of digitized data and BIM for transport infrastructure projects.


Results for the first nine months of 2023

In the presence of the Minister of Transport Martin Kupka and the Director General of ŘSD Radek Mátl, we have ceremonially started the construction of the road I/35 Lešná - Palačov.


Public tender offer over Colas shares including a mandatory delisting

Colas Board of Directors has been informed of Bouygues' intention to file a public tender offer over Colas shares including a mandatory delisting. The Colas Board of Directors welcomed this intention


Temporary bridge in Planá nad Lužnicí finally removed as the construction of the new bridge is now completed

The arch bridge, which is almost 82 metres long and has no central pillar, replaced the original old concrete bridge that stood on the same site and had reached the end of its life.


Colas CZ completed modernization of tramway track in Ostrava

16.8.2023 Reduced noise and vibration levels, more comfortable and safer ride, and improved passenger comfort. All this was brought about by the modernization of the tramway track in Nádražní Street in Ostrava, a project recently completed by Colas CZ.


Part of České Budějovice Bypass Finished

The South Bohemian metropolis is chronically overloaded with transit traffic, so any new road that has the potential to relieve České Budějovice, is only welcomed. This is also true of the so-called South Tangent (road II/143), which connects the existing I/3 road with the construction of the city section of the D3 motorway. The nearly three-kilometre-long link, whose investor is the South Bohemia Region, is being completed these days by a consortium of Colas CZ and FIRESTA-Fišer.


Construction Start Ceremony of Lešná - Palačov

In the presence of the Minister of Transport Martin Kupka and the Director General of ŘSD Radek Mátl, we have ceremonially started the construction of the road I/35 Lešná - Palačov.


Tramway line Ohrada - Palmovka

From March 2022, the tramway line Ohrada - Krejcárek was closed for reconstruction and passengers had to take alternative buses. However, the fast connection between Žižkov and Libeň on rails was re-opened this June. The complete reconstruction of the tramway link, which was carried out by a consortium of Colas CZ, a.s. and FIRESTA-Fišer and whose investor was the Prague Public Transit Company (DPP), is now fully functional.


Safe and comfortable travel. Colas CZ completes rehabilitation of road and tram track in Pilsen

Complete road and tram closures often make it difficult for people to move around the city, which is why it is always good to make the most of them. Colas CZ did just that on the Terezie Brzkové Street project in Pilsen. In the space of five months, Colas CZ managed to carry out rehabilitation works on the tram track and tram stop as well as on the road.


Most Successfully Modernised Road Section

We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded the 1st place in the section Most Successfully Modernised Road Section (Nejzdařilejší modernizovaný úsek silnice) of the Most Successfully Made Construction of Road Engineering in Pardubice Region for years 2021 - 2022 (Nejzdařilejší stavba silničního hospodářství Pardubického kraje za roky 2021 – 2022) survey for our project Modernisation of the road II/337 Seč - Třemošnice.


D48 - Bělotín-Rybí - Cement-Concrete Subside

Statement of COLAS CZ, a.s. to the tearing down of a cement-concrete subside during the construction of a motorway section between Bělotín and Rybí (D48).


Financial Year 2022

COLAS Group has published its financial annual report called Financial Year 2022.


D1 Reconstruction - section Lipník nad Bečvou - Ostrava

D1 is the oldest and also the longest motorway in the Czech Republic. This essentially means that it is, non-surprisingly, the most repaired one. In the past, our company has had a number of contracts regarding the Czech motorway network and even now our team is currently working on the reconstruction of the traffic lanes (in both directions) in the section between Lipník nad Bečvou and Ostrava.


Third Lane for Mladá Boleslav Motorway

In the places where it passes Mladá Boleslav, the D10 motorway is one of the busiest traffic arteries in the Czech Republic. Over 40,000 cars pass through the area each day. Traffic is also getting heavier due to drivers who need to pass Prague from exit 46 and continue on the I/16 road to Sobotka. They have had to take the through lane, to only turn off from it again after about one kilometre at exit 44 B.


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