Construction Start Ceremony of Lešná - Palačov

5th June 2023

In the presence of the Minister of Transport Martin Kupka and the Director General of ŘSD Radek Mátl, we have ceremonially started the construction of the road I/35 Lešná - Palačov.

The main tasks we will face will include construction of a brand new road (I/35 Lešná - Palačov) and reconstruction of the I/48 road leading to the D48 motorway (section Dub - Palačov).


I/35 Lešná - Palačov

length5.2 km
categoryD 24.5/100


I/48 Dub - Palačov

length3.7 km
categoryD 25.5/100



Construction Period2023 - 2026
Value of contract2.184 bil. CZK
COLAS CZ, a.s., Colas Hungária Zrt,
FIRESTA-Fišer, rek. stavby

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