The scope of activities of COLAS CZ, a.s. focuses in particular on standard road engineering - construction, rehabilitation, repairs and other tasks necessary while working on roads and bridges. We also construct and refurbish utility networks (e.g. waterworks) and railway infrastructure.
Ongoing projects Road Construction Bridges & Concrete Structures Railway & Tramway ConstructionThe Road Construction department of COLAS CZ, a.s. operates in three geographically determined areas across the entire Czech Republic, which are called Profit Centres: Bohemia, South,and East. Each consists of several geographic regions of the country. The Headquarters office in Prague is also home to two other major Profit Centres, which operate throughout the Czech Republic: Major Projects and Bridges & Concrete Structures.
At the moment, we are working on many interesting projects. A small part of them is featured here, the rest may be found in the individual section.
Rekonstrukce Zvíkovského mostu překlenujícího údolí Vltavy nedaleko Zvíkovského Podhradí
The bridge over D11 Motorway carries the local road Horní Počernice - Běchovice.
The biggest part of our activities is concerned with the whole process of road engineering, particularly construction, repairs and reconstruction.
Our scope of activities includes (but is not limited to) engineering motorways, roads, urban and suburban roads, paved areas, such as car parks or pavements, cycling paths, sports grounds, etc. During the process, we are also often adjusting utility systems (e.g. waterworks) as well as cultivating surrounding greenery, flora and terrain, when necessary. We try to use as much of our products as possible, i.e. hot asphalt mixes or quarried aggregates.
The motorway construction of a section of the D3 motorway is 7,197 m long and has been designed in a flat terrain near České Budějovice and its agglomeration.
COLAS built another section of D48. The four-lane road, which was currently not compliant with the standard categories, became a fully-fledged and safe motorway that will connect the D1 with Poland once fully completed.
Colas in charge of earthworks, water management works, lighting, roads and paved areas on Nové Oslavany project.
Our main field of work in this part of civil engineering deals primarily with construction, repairs and reconstruction of both road and railway bridge structures. As for bridges, we specialise on those that have a medium span up to 100 m. As for the material, there are many options we are able to build from scratch: RC bridges, prestressed concrete bridges, precast concrete bridges and steel-concrete composite bridges as well as steel and wooden bridges.
Besides structures intended for vehicles, we are constructing steel and wooden bridges for pedestrians and cyclists, footbridges, retaining walls, noise barriers, utility tunnels and structures made of waterproof concrete. We also offer refurbishment and modernisation works on existing bridge structures.
The České Budějovice bypass was one of the most observed and the most anticipated motorway constructions in the Czech Republic. Rightly so - the new sections of the D3 motorway will significantly relieve the chronically congested South Bohemian metropolis.
The bridge over D11 Motorway carries the local road Horní Počernice - Běchovice.
The Kácov bridge project involves the construction of a new three-span road bridge with a total length of approximately 75 m over the river Sázava. COLAS CZ, a.s. built the new bridge to replace the existing structure which had been no longer suitable due to its poor condition, limitations of load capacity and unsuitable geometric parameters for the needed traffic crossing.
COLAS CZ, a.s. also performs railway and tramway projects, including working on both the railway track substructure and superstructure and related structures such as bridges, culverts or platforms. In co-operation with our partners, we are able to deliver traction mains or signalling and communication equipment for both railway and tramway lines.
From March 2022, the tramway line Ohrada - Krejcárek was closed for reconstruction and passengers had to take alternative buses. However, the fast connection between Žižkov and Libeň on rails was re-opened this June. The complete reconstruction of the tramway link, which was carried out by a consortium of Colas CZ, a.s. and FIRESTA-Fišer and whose investor was the Prague Public Transit Company (DPP), is now fully functional.
Colas CZ, a.s. was working on the reconstruction of the tramway tracks in Koterovská Street in Plzeň for 3 months.
Colas CZ, a.s. won a technically interesting contract in Olomouc, a city where trams first started running back in 1899. In Olomouc, a key centre of the ethnographic region Haná, there is currently hapenning a lot of gradual repairs and modernisation of tramway tracks and stops.