ESG: Environmental Social Governance

We do our business in compliance with ethical and social requirements as well as with respect for the environment and natural resources. We have a strict code of ethics, which we regularly update, and a set of rules to fight against corruption. We make sure to gradually reduce our carbon footprint and our reliance on fossil fuels.

COLAS Group's ESG strategy is based on eight commitments that are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

8 our CSR commitments Code of Ethics Code of conduct Criminal liability Sponsorship ESG rating CSR certificate Ecovadis/Sustainability Rating

EcoVadis awarded COLAS CZ Silver Medal for Sustainability Management in 2023

EcoVadis, the leading rating agency for sustainability management, has awarded COLAS CZ a Silver Medal for sustainability performance in 2023. Our scoring belongs to the best 13% of all companies by Ecovadis.

The Ecovadis assessment considers a range of corporate responsibility issues grouped into four themes:

- Environment

- Labor & Human Rights

- Ethics

- Sustainable Procurement


This issues covered in each assessment are based on the relevance of 21 criteria to the company context, such as industry, size, and locations.


8 our CSR commitments

COLAS has a fundamental obligation to conduct its business in accordance with ethical, social and societal requirements and with respect for the environment and natural resources. The social responsibility strategy, which applies to the entire COLAS Group, is based on eight fundamental pillars.


1. Business Development

Our ambition is to design and offer sustainable infrastructure of the future (safe, accessible, shared, connected) that will better serve users and open the way for economic and social development in the local area.

2. Low Carbon & Biodiversity Strategy

We aim to reduce its emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. We are integrating the climate change into the strategy of the whole Group, reducing direct and indirect emissions, developing and promoting low-carbon technologies and solutions. 

We support biodiversity in our places of operation and work with experts, inform our employees as well as local population. 

3. Circular Economy

We continuously reuse waste materials and construction debris and also offer these solutions to our customers. By this, we are not only helping to protect natural resources, but also contributing to reduce the energy consumption of our products.

The proportion of R-materials in asphalt mixtures is up to about 12 % at the moment and we will strive to increase it in the future.

4. Impacts & Acceptability

We want to reduce the impact of the production of building materials and of construction activities on the environment and the people in the surrounding area. Regularly, we hold open days at our facilities for residents and local government. We strictly comply with current legislation, however, we always strive to continuously improve the condition of our sites. We reduce odours in our packaging plants through the active use of carbon filters, etc.

5. Managerial Excellence

Employee development is our number one priority. We strive to attract new talents to our ranks and so we actively work with secondary schools and universities.  We are committed to diversity in terms of nationality, gender and mindset. We create an inclusive work environment where everyone feels respected and valued for their contribution. We pride ourselves on offering equal opportunities to women and supporting them with flexible an/or part-time arrangements to return from maternity/parental leave, etc.

6. Health & Safety

Reducing health risks and accidents in the workplace or on the road has an impact not only on employees, but also on users, local residents or business partners. This is why the Health & Safety Policy of COLAS Group has been implemented in all of its locations worldwide.

7. Responsible Supply Chain

Our company is committed to building and motivating a Responsible Supply chain. We fulfill the requirements of the European directive for the Supply chain, Due Diligence (CS3D - Corporate sustainability due diligence).

8. Ethics & Compliance

Employees of COLAS as well as of third-parties adhere to strict ethical rules at work. We are fostering a culture of compliance and have developed policies and time-proven practices. We regularly train our employees on these ethics and the rules shared by the entire COLAS Group.

COLAS Group Environment Chart

Act & Commit Together

At COLAS, our mission is to design, build and maintain sustainable transport infrastructures around the world. We have a strong role to play in the ecological transition, and, as such, are clearly committed to doing business in a way that takes into account the challenges of climate change and the loss of biodiversity. 

The goal of the Environment Chart is to codify this commitment.

To respond to the environmental challenges of today and tomorrow, we, at COLAS, bring our skills and innovative spirit onboard to serve customers, partners and users. Therefore, we must act in line with three major guiding principles, as follows:


  • Managing construction sites, quarries, plants and facilities, sustainably and responsibly 
  • Optimising waste management, reducing odours, noise and dust emissions to minimum
  • Recycling, reusing and recovering materials to preserve natural resources


  • Using less fossil fuels
  • Working with suppliers and subcontractors to reduce the carbon footprint of products we purchase 
  • Developing, implementing and promoting low-carbon solutions and techniques 


  • Fostering ecological niches in quarries plants 
  • Integrating and managing the impact of each site on biodiversity 
  • Preserving remarkable species 
  • Managing invasive alien species to limit their spreading


To provide teams with the tools and resources they need to make headway, COLAS is committed but not limited to: 

  • Raising awareness and training employees in environmental issues 
  • Sharing best practices 
  • Publishing its environmental performance information both internally and externally

Code of Ethics

The efficiency and future of Bouygues Group rest on the trust of clients, collaborators, shareholders and partners both from private and public sectors invoked. Only fair and honest approach towards everyone may ensure the development of the whole group.

This trust is built gradually particularly due to compliance with the rules of behaviour and conduct. The Board of Directors of the Bouygues Group has combined these rules with the statements of the Ethics and Corporate Patronage Committee (i.e. CSR guidelines) into the Code of Ethics, which is available for all the employees of the whole Group. The Code is updated regularly.



The Group places a high value on strict compliance with laws, regulations and internal standards,
particularly as regards the fight against corruption and influence peddling; competition law; stock
market regulations; economic sanctions; prevention of conflicts of interest; human rights; fundamental freedoms; environmental protection; health, safety and security in the workplace; and personal data protection.


The Group seeks to apply a fair human resources policy, with no distinction in terms of gender, ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, sexual orientation or nationality. It promotes gender equality in all areas (training, job grade, promotion, internal job mobility, pay, etc.) and diversity of backgrounds and qualifications.

The Group also seeks to respect the private lives of its employees and senior executives, including their personal data, and assures their health and safety during the course of their activities.



Given their duty of loyalty, employees and senior executives should take care not to put themselves into a conflict of interest situation, either directly or indirectly, with their Entity, Business segment or, as the case may be, the Group. As required by the Conflicts of Interest Compliance Programme, they must inform their line manager of the possible or actual conflict of interest facing them without omitting any facts. In such a situation, they may not act or intervene as a representative of the company. They must also abstain from any decision-making process involving the conflict of interest subject matter.


We set great store by the wealth of our Business segments and we wish to preserve a relationship of internal solidarity. Thus, when several Group Entities forge a business relationship between them, they are guided by the same duty of loyalty as they have towards their customers, suppliers or external partners. All employees and senior executives, albeit bound first and foremost to safeguard the interests of their own Entity, should also ensure that intra-Group relations are excellent and run smoothly, regardless of the area involved.


Combating Corruption

Corruption may be either active or passive. Active corruption is giving or agreeing to give a French or foreign public or private entity or person an undue advantage in exchange for acting or refraining from acting in the exercise of their official duties in order to benefit the perpetrator. The offence is committed even if the advantage is not actually paid or given. Fraudulent intent does not have to be proved for the offence to be pursued and punished. Passive corruption is accepting or soliciting an undue advantage that meets the above conditions.

As stated in the Group's Code of Ethics, acts of Corruption, Influence peddling and similar offences are totally contrary to its shared values and ethical principles. Consequently, the Group has a zero tolerance policy as regards corruption and any breach of the applicable rules will be subject to disciplinary action.


Code of Conduct for Download


There is a conflict of interests when the personal interests of a senior executive or an employee conflict or compete with the interests of the relevant Group entity. Should a senior executive or employee find themselves in a potential or actual conflict of interest situation, they should refer to their line Manager without omitting any facts. The Group has adopted a Conflicts of Interest Compliance programme.



All employees are responsible for making sure that the business activity complies with the
applicable legislation. Internal control within the Business segment ensures that self-assessments are properly performed. An internal control report is sent to the Ethics Officer and Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer uses the internal control report to report on the implementation of the Code of Conduct, improvements made or to be made, difficulties encountered and action plans to be implemented. Regular audits are performed by the Business segments and Bouygues SA's internal audit departments to ensure that the Group's operations are conducted in compliance with the principles of the Code of Conduct and the Group and Business Segment's internal control framework.


Criminal Liability

Statement of COLAS CZ, a.s. towards the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons

Compliance Programme of the company was created by a decision of one shareholder of the company in order to prevent criminal activities, to accomodate internal regulations within the holding and to supplement and improve the management and control system of the company.

Statement for Download (CS)

We regularly support various cultural, sports and social events. In addition, we support organisations that benefit the society, such as sports clubs, hospices, treatment centres or children's homes. Thanks to the support of our company, the Nahoru na horu project, a series of hiking trips taking place at interesting mountain ranges in the Czech Republic, has been ongoing for several years now. We were also sponsoring the hockey league in Znojmo in the past. Nowadays, we are a local partner of series RunCzech, focused on running races. We have been long-term supporters of the endowment fund Atýsek, which targets disabled children and the elderly.

COLAS CZ, a.s. accommodates its employees, who take part in volunteering activities. We are incredibly proud of our employees who became blood donors, joined the Active Reserve of the Army of the Czech Republic or who are coaching sports and organising activities for children in ther free time.


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