From 10th to 14th October 2022, COLAS Group organises Safety Week for its 57,000 employees all over the world. It is a yearly event focused on learning and raising awareness about safety and health matters during work. The Safety Week will be happening in 800 construction and 3,000 production and recycling facilities in more than 50 countries. By this, COLAS Group emphasises its commitment of consolidating global safety matters and health protection measures.
Due to the safety reasons, all our quarries and HAMPs are generally closed to the public. Nevertheless, COLAS CZ, a.s. wishes to show that even such facilities can be an interesting place for visiting, which is why Open Days are occasionally organised in both plants and quarries, the last of which took place on Saturday, 8th October 2022, in our Čenkov Quarry and HAMP located in Central Bohemia.
For COLAS, the D48 motorway project is another important reference in the field of motorway construction. The amount of work required also puts it among the largest projects in the company's history.
Brozit, an amphibolite powder used as a fertiliser for plants and forest-tree species, is the only rock powder registered with the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture the Czech Republic. Our colleague Sebastian, who has managed to combine his knowledge from geology studies, practical quarry experience and, above all, his curiosity and interest in rocks and minerals, has been doing the research all along.
Although the division of work into purely men’s and women’s is becoming increasingly more distant from reality, it still persists in some professions. While, for example, women dominate among medical staff, the opposite is true on construction sites. According to data from the Ministry of Industry, there is only one woman among ten employees in the construction sector on average. As far as the self-employed are concerned, the share of women in construction activities even falls to several percent.
On Thursday, 9th June, COLAS Group held its second Ecology Day in its companies around the world. This year's subject of biodiversity is an important environmental topic for the whole Group, which launched its Low Carbon and Biodiversity Strategy Plan in 2020.
We would like to announce that the merger of Silnice Žáček, s.r.o. as the business corporation being acquired without liquidation and COLAS CZ, a.s. as the acquiring business corporation, became effective on 31st May 2022.
COLAS CZ, a.s. is reconstructing tramway lines in four Czech cities – Prague, Olomouc, Plzeň and Ostrava.
On 8th December, Frédéric Gardès, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the COLAS Group, together with Marie Gautier-Melleray, Interministerial Government Delegate for Road Safety, signed the "Seven Commitments for a Safer Road" document. COLAS has been actively working with public authorities to improve road safety for 24 years. This new commitment also confirms the important role of COLAS in this field.
The construction season is in full swing and we were delighted to welcome upper-management team of BMW at the polygon construction site near Sokolov.