Brozit – Bioproduct produced by COLAS

7th September 2022

Brozit, an amphibolite powder used as a fertiliser for plants and forest-tree species, is the only rock powder registered with the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture the Czech Republic. Our colleague Sebastian, who has managed to combine his knowledge from geology studies, practical experience from working in a quarry and, above all, his curiosity and interest in rocks and minerals, has been doing the research all along.

Brozit is basically a rock dust, the texture of which is similar to one of flour. It is very fine and binds CO2 faster, thus reducing its amount in the atmosphere. 

Unlike conventional fertilisers, this product is purely organic, without any artificial additives, and can improve the chemical and physical properties of the soil. It contains important mineral nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and silicon to strengthen plant stems and more.  One application option is, for example, adding Brozit to the root system of young trees in forestry nurseries.

The sale of Brozit is the responsibility of the Sales Department of the Quarries and it can be currently purchased at Mirošov Quarry.


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